Friday, 24 December 2010

Dear Father Christmas

Dear Father Christmas,

I've tried to be good this year. I've made some new friends, attempted to make peace with some I fell out with, and made an effort to keep in touch with old friends along the way. I've looked after my grandad when he's been ill, I carried out the promises I made to him and visited my grandma and passed my exams. I've tried to be nice to my sisters, even they've made me want to tear my hair out, and I've helped my mother when she's asked for it. I've worked hard and got the marks I've deserved, and I'm finally accepting my health problems.

So, in return, please may I have:
  • Some extra spoons - they'll be needed in the New Year
  • Some help with this awful Student Finance screw up
  • A couple of friends at University - being alone is so hard sometimes
  • Some extra space in my brain for all the stuff I need to know
  • New ways of learning things that works for me and sticks - I'm struggling
  • And some acceptance from friends, colleagues, the medical school and my family of my illness and of me as a person.

Thank you for reading this, whether you can fulfil it or not.



Sunday, 5 December 2010

To Do List

  1. Learn to do 2 new clinical skills according to university procedures (2 days before we're assessed on them in an OSCE)
  2. Write up 14 patient case studies with background to the disease and reflection on the case
  3. Read, understand and evaluate 12-20 research papers
  4. Write a research protocol with references for above papers
  5. Read, understand and perform a meta-analysis of 3 more (different) research papers
  6. Write a presentation on said meta-anlysis
  7. Pass my OSCE on Wednesday
  8. Write a 2-4 page piece of work on medical treatments and therapy for Multiple Sclerosis including the mechanism of action of any drugs I mention and write about supportive therapy, and current research into treatments for multiple sclerosis
  9. Have a social life
  10. Make some friends
  11. Go to 7 hours of dance lessons and rehearsals a week (minimum)
  12. Not dislocate too many joints
  13. Keep on top of my medication
  14. Email my personal advisor again
  15. Email the Disability Coordinator at the Dean of Student's office
  16. Meet with my personal advisor
  17. Meet with the Disability Coordinator again
  18. Photocopy all my hospital appointment letters for the medical school
  19. Check the post at least twice a week (it's delivered to the post room/medical school)
  20. Go to my hospital appointments
  21. Go to my GP appointment
  22. Go to lectures
  23. Learn some medicine
  24. Not burn out and fall to pieces
  25. Maybe have a Christmas holiday
  26. Earn some money
  27. Keep on top of all my medications so I don't have to have any time off
  28. Keep in contact with home to find out how my grandad is
  29. Ring the hospital and try and speak to my grandad